Super (2010)
Olga’s Notes:
Note1: Having watched quite a few – nine, to be precise – self-made superhero films as part of my new novel research recently, I can confidently announce that “Super” is the best, the most original and authentic of them all.
Note2: But not exactly hilarious (in case you’re expecting another “Kickass”). This is not Just Another Kickass Movie. “Super” is far more for real.
Note3: And surprisingly moving, in parts. Frank’s summary at the end of the film almost too profound to be credible – but I doubt that credibility ever was the point.
Helena’s Notes:
Note1: I hated Frank’s ugly pizzadough face from the moment I first saw it till the bitter end. Which actually proved far less bitter than I had counted on.
Note2: Omg – loved Kevin Bacon’s character, even though he’s now pretty old. Maybe this is down to da facto that he has the best lines in the entire movie, like for instance, “You, my friend, have an egg-cooking gift. God has graced you with an egg-cooking gift.”? Don’t know. Don’t care. So would. Who wouldn’t?
Note3: The Great Character Law states that in order to have this Great Character, a movie must also contain an Incredibly Shitty Character. Cue Boltie, the most annoying superhero sidekick, like, ever. She’s just too enthusiastic for words. And loves asking stupid questions. Like for instance, “So this is what you do? You just sit here, waiting for crime to happen?” and “I don’t know how to fight crime, Frank, can you teach me?” Yeah. It’s an altogether shitty law.