This morning, I received another email asking why Helena and I have stopped writing film reviews (although, of course, we never did write any reviews, as such, we just jotted down the thoughts and feelings a film brought up for us, then hit the button and ran). The reason for it is that, quite simply, I had no time. Been writing a lot, and traveling some, meeting people, travelling some more, studying, too.
But I still watch films. Some may say obsessively; my day is not complete without the magic of visual storytelling. Very into Leos Carax at the moment. You know when you know someone’s a genius, but then suddenly you KNOW they’re a genius? That’s how I’m into him. Only last week, I re-watched Holy Motors (2012) and Tokyo (2008). Totally in awe of Denis Lavant again, even more then ever, if that’s even possible.
One day, I may even elaborate on those films, and others. But first I need to finish the super fun spine-chilling fantasy I’m working on, and pin down two more novels that have been pestering to be written for ages. So see you around – and thanks for watching!
Merde naps.
Merde naps again.
Nope, je ne regrette rien.
C’mon Booga, we’re outta here!
credit @blitzcadet