The Square (2017)
Olga’s Notes:
Note1: Saw this at our local KinoTeatr last week. It was a midweek matinee performance, and the auditorium full of well-heeled über-arty DFLs and well-heeled über-arty locals, with only a few subversive outcasts (yours truly included), sitting at the edge of the rows. And oh, how we all laughed. Especially during that scene. Apes, eh. They’re so not like us.
Note2: Ruben Östlund is my current favourite director. Alongside Yorgos Lanthimos, of course.
All's cool here.
Helena’s Notes:
Note1: I am not too sure what this film was even supposed to be all about: a failed chief curator of yet another Western city modern art gallery,
a terrible so-called love affair between the said curator and that annoying journalist woman,
a terrible so-called love affair between the said annoying journalist woman and her chimpanzee,
how rich people get kicks out of pushing poor people’s kids down the stairs, or a couple of super-rich art patrons who keep financing shit art because they are dead, deaf and blind but no one’s told them.
Note2: I don't really like responding directly to Olga's notes, I have plenty enough of my own, thanksverymuch. But she comes up with such crap sometimes, and everyone's so nice about it (please quit encouraging her!), I feel like I'm the only one with enough courage to stand up to her and put her right. I mean - what's all this the greatest writer/director of them all bullshit. What happened to Joss Whedon. Is it because he slept with Faith. Being a genius is hard enough without random people butting in, telling them who they can and cannot have sex with.
Art curator at work.