Mozart in the Jungle (TV series 2014-)
Kimono Kids.
Olga’s Notes:
Note1: Sex, drugs and classical music? It sure sounded like a big fat joke to me. But then I came to an end of “Boardwalk Empire” (2010-2014) and wanted some easy content to fill the time until the next great TV binge came my way. Generally, this would mean a movie marathon, except that I didn’t feel like a movie – all I wanted was a short burst of undemanding TV crap.
Note2: “Mozart in the Jungle” proved undemanding enough, but it was most certainly not crap. Or rather isn’t, as it still appears to be going as strong as it ever did. It is a strange little animal, really, this program, just pottering around, doing its own thing, making the briefest of eyes at the audience, then the next minute it’s off again, frolicking around, wild yet coy, tame yet footloose, fancy and free.
Note3: If nothing else, and there is plenty of else, watch it for the music. Even if you think that you don’t like classical music – do give this a go. Might just change your life.
Sexy Saff.
Helena’s Notes:
Note1: Sex, drugs and classical music – well it sounded just about right to me. They forgot to mention booze. Guess booze doesn’t even need a special introduction, it’s that for granted.
Note2: Okay, so I really fancy that little man, Gael García Bernal, which is really strange because I really hated “Y Tu Mamá También”, and I only ever go for model-tall. Guess it’s his charisma, which means he does make a bloody good Maestro. I would love to go stalk him all over Mexico, but Olga says she’s busy writing some novel, and couldn’t possibly write me into a story set in Mexico anyway, as she’s never been. Honestly. Thought writers were meant to suffer from something called imagination.
Note3: Watching “Mozart in the Jungle” the other day, I suddenly felt that I missed out big time, you know, by not sticking to anything for long enough to see how big or good or just plain rubbish I turned out to be at it. Anyway. That British guy, Malcolm McDowell, is bloody hilarious.
Betty and Glen.