Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
"Jonathan, will you marry me?"
"Not even a little bit."
Olga’s Notes:
Note1: “She opens the door and she’s got nothing on, but a radio.” ~ Gay Perry
Note2: A sexually ambivalent private eye. A world-weary Hollywood starlet. A common garden variety thief posing as an actor. And not just one, but two murder mysteries. Pulp with brains, wit and style.
Note3: One of those films you could easily watch again as soon as the credits start to roll. Now that you know the story, you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the dialogue, the cinematography - and the ease with which Robert Downey Jr. blasts away all rumours that his acting career was over.
"If you need me, just call. You know how to dial, don't you? You just put your finger in the hole and make tiny little circles."
Helena’s Notes:
Note1: Robert Downey Jr. was pretty funny, especially when they were electrocuting his balls, but I still liked Gay Perry the best. Val Kilmer hasn’t made me laugh so much since he had played Jim Morrison in “The Doors”, way back in 1991, which also happens to be the last year of my fictional life on this earth.
I'm suddenly feeling unusually sentimental. Damn! I wish I had an actual body so I could hold me some serious liquer right now!
Note2: Didn’t like the girl. Harmony Faith Lane. I mean. What kind of a name is that? I do get how we fictional characters don’t get a say in basically anything, but still. I’m not about to like her just because I feel sorry for her. On contrary.
Note3: Film noir? Not sure what to make of it. It’s kind of cool, sure, the way they talk to each other, the whole jaded thing they have going on, the smoking and drinking. But it’s also a bit of a fantasy, so it really ought to feature more things like warewolves, vampires and slayers.
What? No, I’m not talking about Buffy again. No, I’m not. You are. I never even started nothing, you Bloody Unrecognised Fiction Frenemy, You!
(Hee-hee! See what I did there?)
"Louie, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."